Daily Backup Script & Cronjob
ABC currently suffers from a huge bottleneck - each day, interns must painstakingly access encrypted password files on core servers, and backup those that were updated within the last 24-hours. This introduces human error, lowers security, and takes an unreasonable amount of work.
Create a script called backup.sh which runs daily and automatically backs up any encrypted password files that have been updated in the past 24 hours.
Write Script
The steps will be detailed here according to the order I proceeded:
Create I/O Directories
Target Directory : is the source directory we want to scan and backup daily
Destination Directory: is the archive directory we want to backup the source directory to
- Both directories are in the same drive along with the script so the paths are relative
Set Time Var
- Set current time:
in seconds - We’ll use this variable to label the file name with the timestamp so we know when the backup occured
- Sine we are going to be backing up the files that were updated in the last 24 hours, we’ll use this variable for that calculation as well. I will cover it later on in the process
Define Output File
- A backup is to be created every 24 hours for any files that were updated in the past 24 hours
- Let’s create a var
backupFileName ="backup-<include the time stamp>.tar.gz"
# Let's set the first argument to targetDirectory and the second to destinationDirectory
# [TASK 1]
destinationDirectory# verify
$ echo "The source/target directory is $sourceDirectory"
$ echo "The sestination directory is $destinationDirectory"
# set time in seconds
=$(date +%s)
currentTS$ echo $currentTS
currentTS# Task 4
# create the file name containing the timestamp. File will be archived and compressed .gz
="backup-[$currentTS].tar.gz" backupFileName
Set Path to I/O Directories
- Store the path to the current directory in origAbsPath
- Go to the Destination Directory and store its path in destAbsPath
- Then go back to the current directory that’s saved in origAbsPath from above
- From there go to the Source/Target Directory where the files to be backed up are
# Go into the sourceDirectory, create the backup file, move backup file to destinationDirectory
$ pwd
# set path to pwd
origAbsPath# go to the destinationDirectory
$ cd $destinationDirectory
$ pwd
# [TASK 5] Store the absolute path of the current directory
# [TASK 6] Go to the destination directory and get its absolute path
cd =$(pwd)
destAbsPath# [Task 7] change from current to the abs working directory then to the target/source directory
cd $targetDirectory cd
Set Time Var
- If you remember earlier we created the
in seconds - Here we’ll use it to see if any of the files have an “last modified date” that meet the 24 hour condition
- 24 hours is obviously: 24*60*60 in seconds
- create the time differential var:
# Task 8 Find the files that have been updated within the past 24 hours. Best way to do that is to look at each files last modified date was 24 hours or less
# so let's define a variable to be dynamic to 24 hours from the time this script is meant to run currentTS
# let's calculate the number of seconds in 24 hours since our currentTS is in seconds: 24*60*60
=$((currentTS - 24 * 60 * 60)) yesterdayTS
Create an Array
- Another way to declare an array is to use:
declare -a <arrayName>
- To append values to an array you use:
- When you print an array it will list all its values separated by
- So we’ll create an array
to store the list of files that meet the 24 hour “last modified time” condition. - Those are the files we’ll need to backup
- In order to get the list we need to loop through the list of files in the directory and check if their dates meet the condition
- Next we’ll create the loop and check the
date -r
Extract Modified Date
- Task 10: Inside the for loop, you want to check whether the
was modified within the last 24 hours. - To get the last-modified date of a file in seconds, use
date -r $file +%s
wheredate -r
gives us the last time a file was modified, - Then compare the value to
- Idea:
if [[ $file_last_modified_date > $yesterdayTS ]]
then the file was updated within the last 24 hours!
- Idea:
- Task 11: If the file was updated, then will add the
to the array we created toBackup
# declare a new array toBackup
$ declare -a arrayName
$ arrayName+=("Linux")
$ arrayName+=("is")
$ arrayName+=("here")
$ echo ${arrayName[@]}
Linux is here
# create an array
-a toBackup
declare # Task 9, set the in ($) in the for loop, the loop will go through all the files and directories in the current folder, since we are already in the source/target directory from Task 7 all we do is ls the directory for a list
for file in $(ls)
#[Task 10]
do if [[ $(date -r "$file" +%s) > $yesterdayTS ]]
then# [Task 11]
+=("$file") toBackup
Compress & Archive
- Task 12: After the
loop, compress and archive the files, using the$toBackup
array of filenames, to the file with the name assigned to the var:backupFileName
- Remember we created the var
earlier - tar -czvf <newfile.tar.gz> <directory to archive&compress>
- Now that
is a complete list of all the files to be compressed and archived we can execute the command intobackupFilename
# [Task 12] take the file list and compress the files into the new tar ball
-czvf "$backupFileName" "${toBackup[@]}" tar
Move file to another directory
- Now the file
which is created in the current working directory - In other words the script will backup the file in the same location as the Source/Target where the source files are and then
- Move the file
to the destination directory located atdestAbsPath
"$backupFileName" "$destAbsPath" mv
Executable Script
Now that the script has been created. We need to make sure it is executable
Set Permissions
- We first list the permissions and notice that only the owner has executing rights
- We need to give the user permission to execute and we do that with the
# Verify permissions
$ ls -l backup.sh
-rw-r--r-- 1 theia users 1533 Sep 26 17:31 backup.sh
# set permissions
$ chmod uo+x backup.sh
$ ls -l backup.sh
-rwxr--r-x 1 theia users 1601 Sep 26 18:33 backup.sh
Import Test Data
- Let’s bring in some files and test the script.
Download Zip file
Unzip file
DDo is used to overwrite and not restore original modified date
# download file
wget https# unzip
-DDo important-documents.zip unzip
Load Package
- After loading
we’ll proceed with unzipping the zip file - Just to make sure all is well let’s use
to update the “last modified date” to now that way we make sure all the files will be backed up for testing purposes
# --- So let's install it using a different terminal from root directory
@YASHAYA:~$ sudo apt install unzip
# --- Now that the package is loaded let's unzip
-DDo important-documents.zip
unzip # Update last modified date to now using touch, using wildcard because they all start with important-documents/
-documents/* touch important
Now the data files have been downloaded and extracted into their own folder: important-documents which will become our source/targetDirectory
Execute Script
- Now that the data has been extracted in the correct directory
- Script is written
- Permissions set
- Let’s test
by executing the script - As you see in the first line we call
the name of the script - followed by Source/Target directory - argument #1:
- followed by a space and the Destination directory - argument #2:
Convert from Windows to Unix
- Don’t mind this step, in my case a different editor was used and it appears that it added some Windows characters at the end of the lines which caused an error, so
- I’ll use dos2unix to convert all the Windows chars to unix and run it again
# -- Execute the script
/backup.sh important-documents .
.-bash: ./backup.sh: /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
# to convert windows characters to unix
# install it firs
$ sudo apt install dos2unix
$ dos2unix backup.sh
: converting file backup.sh to Unix format...
# -- Let's run the script again
$ ./backup.sh important-documents .
/target directory is important-documents
The source
The destination directory is .
zop.txt! Compressed & Archive file saved at /mnt/d/data/Linux_projects/Final_projects/C6_M4/backup-1727477641.tar.gz Backup has been completed successfully
Verify Backup
- As you see in the output above, the backup was successful and the backup file was created
- Let’s verify by using
ls -l
- And you can see the .tar-gz file with the time stamp in seconds
Copy Script to usr/local/bin
- We need to move the script file to the root directory so cron will have access to its path
- Use cp <sourceFile> <movetolocation>
- When done verify by going to usr/local/bin and ls
@YASHAYA:/mnt/d/data/Linux_projects/Final_projects/C6_M4$ sudo cp /mnt/d/data/Linux_projects/Final_projects/C6_M4/backup.sh /usr/local/bin/
for yashaya:
[sudo] password # verify it's there
@YASHAYA:/usr/local/bin$ ls
yashaya backup.sh
Schedule Crone Task
- Skip through the parts were cron had to be installed, this happens to be the first time I used Ubuntu in Windows so it was a new installation and most of the packages were not installed
- So we first check to see if any jobs are scheduled:
crontab -l
- We see none, since we just loaded the package!
- Create a cronjob with
crontab -e
- We want to have the files backed up every minute so enter the crontab for it
# --- Let's check for any existing crontab jobs!
$ crontab -l
C6_M4'cronetab' not found, did you mean:
Command 'crontab' from deb cron (3.0pl1-137ubuntu3)
command 'crontab' from deb bcron (0.11-9)
command 'crontab' from deb systemd-cron (1.15.18-1)
command : sudo apt install <deb name>
# --- So let's install it using a different terminal from root directory
~$ sudo apt install cron
# --- Check it now
$ crontab -l
for yashaya
no crontab
$ crontab -e
$ crontab -l
*/1 * * * * /usr/local/bin/backup.sh /mnt/d/data/Linux_projects/Final_projects/C6_M4/important-documents /mnt/d/data/Linux_projects/Final_projects/C6_M4
Schedule another Cronjob
Let’s say we want to backup the files every 24 hours instead of every minute as we did above
- All we do is go into crontab -e
- Add a crontab at the end of the file, delete the other if we wish or keep it
- Add this code to backup every 24 hours
$ crontab -e
0 0 * * * /usr/local/bin/backup.sh /mnt/d/data/Linux_projects/Final_projects/C6_M4/important-documents /mnt/d/data/Linux_projects/Final_projects/C6_M4
Stop Cronjob
- It has been running every minute
- To stop it use
service cron stop
Remove Cronjob
# --- To stop the cronjob
~$ service cron stop
# --- To remove the cronjob
~$ crontab -r
@YASHAYA:/mnt/d/data/Linux_projects/Final_projects/C6_M4$ crontab -l
yashayafor yashaya no crontab
Virtual Environment
- If I happen to be running this on a cloud based Virtual Environment, I need to start the service manually
# because this is a virtual environment we need to start it manually
$ sudo service cron start
* Starting periodic command scheduler cron
# after verifying that they are being created stop the task
sudo service cron stop
Full Script File
# This checks if the number of arguments is correct
# If the number of arguments is incorrect ( $# != 2) print error message and exit
if [[ $# != 2 ]]
then"backup.sh target_directory_name destination_directory_name"
# This checks if argument 1 and argument 2 are valid directory paths
if [[ ! -d $1 ]] || [[ ! -d $2 ]]
then"Invalid directory path provided"
# [TASK 1] Set variables to command line arguments
# [TASK 2] Display the values of the command line arguments
"The source/target directory is $targetDirectory"
echo "The destination directory is $destinationDirectory"
# [TASK 3] Get the current timestamp
=$(date +%s)
# [TASK 4] Create the backup file name
# We're going to:
# 1: Go into the target directory
# 2: Create the backup file
# 3: Move the backup file to the destination directory
# To make things easier, we will define some useful variables...
# [TASK 5] Store the absolute path of the current directory
# [TASK 6] Go to the destination directory and get its absolute path
"$destinationDirectory" # <-
cd =$(pwd)
# [TASK 7] Change to the target directory
"$origAbsPath" # <-
cd "$targetDirectory" # <-
# [TASK 8] Calculate the timestamp for 24 hours ago
=$((currentTS -60*60*24))
-a toBackup # Create an array to store list of files to backup
for file in $(ls); do # [TASK 9] Loop through all the files in Target Directory
=$(date -r "$file" +%s)
file_last_modified_date# [TASK 10] Check if the file was modified within the last 24 hours
if (( file_last_modified_date > yesterdayTS )); # or if (('date -r "$file" +%s' > $yesterdayTS ));
then+=("$file") # [TASK 11] Add the file to the toBackup array
# [TASK 12] Create the backup file for all files modified in the last 24 hours
-czvf "$backupFileName" "${toBackup[@]}"
tar # [TASK 13] Move the backup file to the destination directory
"$backupFileName" "$destAbsPath"
mv # [Task 14] Print out a completion notice
"Backup has been completed successfully! Compressed & Archive file saved at $destAbsPath/$backupFileName" echo